Winspiration Day 7. Mai mit Livestream
Dear friends and partners of Winspiration!
As you know, once a year at Winspiration, we choose a special person or association that has made a difference to their community and indeed, the world, and brought about positive change by their actions.
Since 2003 incredible people and projects have been recognised by Winspiration for their actions which have helped better the lives of those in the worldwide community.
Jim MacLaren, founder of the Choose Living foundation,
Bob Proctor, founder of Proctor Gallagher Institute, and world known expert on how to change paradigms,
Felix Finkbeiner, The Plant-for-the-Planet Children´s Initiative and many many others have been included.
These awards recognise and reflect the spirit of Winspiration and help to keep that positive feeling moving forward.
Today we would like to announce the first of 5 Winspiration nominees this year:
Marianne Williamson is an american spiritual teacher, author and lecturer. She has published eleven books. She is the founder of
Project Angel Food, a meals-on-wheels program that serves homebound people with
AIDS in the Los Angeles area, and the co-founder of
The Peace Alliance.
Marianne is a truly inspiring example of a person living for peace and taking action to move forward in this direction.
Celebrating 7th of May we come together at the candle ceremony reading the poem ‘Our Greatest fear’ by Marianne Williamson.
Winspiration Candle ceremony, Baden 2016:
Our Greatest Fear
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
You playing small does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other
people won’t feel insecure around you.
We were born to make manifest the glory of
God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
— Marianne Williamson
Often said to have been quoted in a speech by Nelson Mandela. The source is Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, Harper Collins, 1992. —Peter McLaughlin
On May 7th, 2017 in the city of Los Angeles, California, USA, we will reveal the best project of the year and we look forward to your participation in this wonderful event!
For more information, please, visit our website: http://ift.tt/2ovtyr8
Let your light shine!
Kind regards,
Aline Banon (Vice -President Winspiration Association)
Dieses ist einmal ein etwas anderer Blogbeitrag, doch ich finde diese Veranstaltung wichtig. Gerade in der heutigen Zeit mit so viel negativen Nachrichten braucht man einen positiven Lichtblick.
Der Winspiration-Day ist so einer!
Melden Sie sich zum Live-Stream an und tanken Sie postive Energien von außergewöhnlichen Menschen!
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